Sunday, September 27, 2009

Awful awful day:

I left my friends, after a weekend of experiencing the fun I'm not having at Northeastern.

The flash drive I was trying to mail was stolen by some asshole at USPS.

I locked myself out of my room again-- the R.A. literally just needs to walk 100 feet down the hall and let me back in and yet he takes fucking 15 minutes while I'm standing out in the hall.

And now I have to write a paper.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My bulletin board won't stick to the wall in my dorm.

Unfortunately, that's a damn good metaphor for how I've felt so far.

Friday, September 11, 2009

I like it here. I don't love it. But it's only been a week, I'm not going to draw any conclusions just yet.

I generally like the people here. There are many bros, but fortunately my floor seems to be occupied by just genuinely nice guys, not really bro-ish.

James, my roommate, is friendly and has excellent taste in movies, but is frustratingly antisocial.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


I'm at college yay. Still finding a niche of friends, but the people I'm hanging out with now are a fun crowd. This guy Tim is hilarious.

Strangest character so far: A guy who has a huge Confederate flag hanging in his room, chews tobacco, has a bottle of Pedialyte (a children's vitamin supplement) in his room, and is on the Northeastern cheerleading squad. I know. Reread that.

I like the view out my window, it looks right out on to this courtyard. I hear bits of conversations, because there's benches on the ground outside my window. It's usually dumb people. There are too many bros and hoes. And girls in sweatshorts. But don't get the wrong idea. I like the majority of the people I've met so far.

I walked back to my dorm with a girl named Tessa, and we talked about how we're both a little insecure about finding friends.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

28 Days Later was not as scary as we hyped it to be. Just a really well-made movie. Nonetheless, I still ran to my car from Phoebe's front door, and panicked as I struggled to get the car unlocked and started.

Did you know that the guy who directed Slumdog Millionaire also directed 28 Days Later? Danny Boyle. You could see the similarities.